KAMA, perhaps, is the love letter I wrote to you and myself because I believe in love.

On May 7th, 2023, I was on a plane to Bali for a Yoga Program. I had just quit my job for the peace of my mind, as I was dealing with different aspects of curveballs that life threw at me. I thought I had bad Karma in love, based on what the Main Street Tarot card reader told me (yes, I was desperate at that time), and the therapy sessions did not really help. Career-wise, my job did not fulfill me, and I started to wonder if advertising was really what i wanted. Looking back now, my heart was full of chaos, and I was chasing so hard for promotion, love, etc., just for validation. Not because I wanted to, but due to my twisted need. As a result, I crashed.



Forcing myself to leave everything in Vancouver behind did make my mind lighter. I resided in a Shala called Down the Rabbit Hole in Ubud, where I completed my 200 hours of Yoga training. I was not only able to practice Yoga every day but also got to study Yoga philosophy where i saw the full picture of Yoga, not just the Postures (Asana), but also the 8 limbs of it. I started to meditate for the first time and began to align my past to the present with the knowledge learned through yoga philosophy.
I also liked to wander around during my yoga breaks. This is probably where the first spark of KAMA Jewellery was inspired. I loved browsing the crafts displayed in the local shops. They are very different from the brands I used to see; they are simple but with meanings. It is almost as if you are purchasing more than an item, but a story, a pleasure, a connection with peace and zen. Just like Yoga, a union of Atman (the self) and Brahman (the universal self).
I wanted to bring this experience back to Vancouver with me and share it with more people. So, I had this idea of creating the world of kama, full of tranquility. Through long-lasting jewellery with yogic concepts, I want people to take a moment for themselves and let the jewels, with different meanings and stories, be a kind reminder to them.


'We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.' - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
My Yoga philosophy teacher quoted this in one of the beautiful lessons she taught, and it has stuck in my mind since. This is more than Yoga at this point. It reaches something to its pure sense, which leads us to love and connect. You don’t have to be a yoga guru to feel this - all you need is an open heart that can feel and love.
This is how I started KAMA Yogic Shop; it only took some burnout, some rounds of a broken heart, and a little bit of anxiety, self-doubt, and frustration here and there. BUT eventually, these turned out beautifully.
I want my jewellery to be a messenger to beautiful souls like yourself, to all the spiritual beings having a human experience, and be a part of the positive element in your journey to love and connect. 🤍
Thank you for reading my story and learning my brand. This is so much to me. Enjoy code: KAMASTORY for a secret code, just between us ;)


Namaste and much love,



Rui Gong